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Stake Bitz Loans

Stake Bitz Loans

Stake Bitz Loans

Our Business/ Personal Loan provides funds which you can repay over one to five years. You repay the loan in monthly set installments. Whatever your business plans, our fixed or revolving business loans can help you reach your goals.

With flexible terms and competitive rates, Stake Bitz offers the financing you need to be successful in today's competitive business world.
Our business loans are designed to meet the finance needs of commercial, small and micro enterprises. Specifically, working capital, purchase order finance and invoice discounting finance needs are addressed by our business loans.

Stake Bitz Loans

Stake Bitz provides loans to organisations active in financial inclusion, agriculture and renewable energy in Africa, Asia and Latin America. We work with partner organisations which aim to contribute to improving the lives of low-income people and communities.

Stake Bitz seeks to provide loans to organisations active in the financial inclusion, agriculture and renewable energy sectors in 33 focus countries across our three regions. Our loans typically mature in 3-4 years.

Opportunity International focuses on micro loans as one of a number of unique ways to solve poverty. Join us and help reduce poverty worldwide.

How to Apply

To apply for a loan, send a mail with a comprehensive detail of the loan to loans@stakebitz.com and we'll get back to your with necessary information.